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Event Planning vs Event Management

UNCERTAINTY is the biggest culprit holding a majority of nearly 75% of event organizers hostage.


Event Management

The Event Managers handle all of the fine details.  They are working logistics before, during & after an event to ensure the event runs as planned.  they work with the planners, the committees & boards, venue managers, the entertainers, municipalities and vendors.

Event Planning

The Event Planners are the people who create the event in totality. They are the "big picture".  They are the ideas, the creators, the hard working committees, the boards, the coordinators and the designers.


Our Wheelhouse

often, both of these job titles overlap & can be shared by the same person. But never could one be successful without the other!

the event co specializes in creating and building content for an event and the full spectrum of event management.  we work on curated teams, with event committees, business Executives and not for profit executive directors and boards.

the event co has proof of concept case study for on site, community events.  we also offer turn key events that can be onsite, virtual or hybrid.

Yes, anyone can "copy" an idea,  but, we bring a true turn key event from beginning to end, filled with unique content to your organization & expertly executed logistics, so we are happy to share.  contact us today.

©2018 The Event Co, LLC

Gina Scampone  /  Tel.315-525~3695

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